Hostel Facility

JEEWAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is a Residential-cum- Day School where Boarding homes plays a key role in the overall development of children staying away from their homes. In all respects, it is a second home away from home, enabling the boarders to use it as a springboard to success and a stepping stone to enter the world with confidence, dignity, sportsman spirit and wisdom.

There are two separate Boarding Houses for Boys' and Girls'. Each floor of the boarding house accommodates 30 students on twin or three- sharing basis in spacious, well-ventilated rooms. Each child is under the able guidance and individual supervision of qualified, skilled, teaching / residential staff taking care of his/her emotional and pastoral well being.

The boarding houses provides modern amenities with comfort and recreation where children are able to use their leisure productively. Boarding makes a child grow up with a sense of responsibility and self-discipline, respect for different customs / traditions and cultures, prepares him/her to soar with confidence and alight on the platform of real life with fortitude and wisdom.Boarding at JEEWAN Public School aims at providing a healthy, well-balanced meal for the boarders. Breakup of the meals provided for a full time/ weekly boarder.

The Boarders are accommodated in the rooms with Independent Bed , Study Table and Chair. Our hostel rooms are spacious, clean and comprises of all the modern facilities and amenities that helps in making the hostel environment jovial and compatible for our hostelers.


The well balanced nutritious food is served to the children under hygienic conditions. A wholesome Breakfast, Morning snack, Lunch, Afternoon snack, Evening snack and Dinner.
Chicken thrice a week and Seafood once a week. Egg twice a week.
Breakfast cereals, Bournvita / Boost provided daily.

For vegetarians pure vegetarian food is provided by having a separate section for dining and cooking purposes for vegetarians.
Baby corn, mushroom, paneer and a range of various exotic vegetarian dishes are provided.

It is provided with TV, Daily Newspapers, Magazines and Indoor Games like Carom and Chess.

All the Pupils undergo a Medical Examination by the highly Qualified Doctors at regular intervals. Any case of Serious Illness is reported immediately to the Parents.


Keeping in mind the frequent shortage of power supply in Bihar, a generator with high kilowatt capacity has been installed in the Hostel Campus to ensure uninterrupted supply of power. In case of any power failure, this generator will restore power in matter of seconds only.


The entire campus is protected from Fire Hazards. Minute details and planning have been executed keeping in mind the safety of the pupils and all involved in Hostel.

On account of an ever-growing movement and busy schedule of the parents - majority of those who are global professionals, their interaction with the school remains somewhat limited and confined. The important updates sent by the school go unheeded although unintentionally but this affects the relationship of parents and schools in the long run. Due to time crunch, the extra effort to log on to the website of the school and check the update on the portal often becomes demanding and taxing. On the contrary, it is more practical and viable for the parents to keep checking apps on their mobile phones.You can download the app by clicking on the button below.